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Arena Strategy
The Township of North Dumfries is preparing an Arena Strategy to determine current and future indoor ice needs and provision options. The study will consider local demographics and growth, regional arena supplies, usage and trends, and public and stakeholder input.
Phase One |
Phase One of the study is now complete and a draft report was received by Township Council on August 10, 2020. The Arena Strategy - Phase One, and the accompanying presentation are available. A virtual public open house (project information) and consultation with stakeholders helped to inform the findings of this phase. The Phase One report found that there is currently a surplus ice (about 0.5 ice pads), but that demand is growing and will reach 2.0 ice pads in or around 2026, and increasing to 2.3 pads by 2031. This finding supports moving forward with an arena investment program that preserves long-term access to two municipal rinks, designed and maintained to meet community needs. The following two options to be considered through Phase Two (business case assessment) include:
Phase Two |
Phase Two examined costs associated with the two options. The Arena Strategy - Phase Two was presented to Council on October 26, 2020. The Arena Strategy Phase One and Phase Two Report was also made available on October 16, 2020. The conclusions and recommendations from the Arena Strategy will assist Township Council as the municipality considers future options for indoor arena facilities, including improvements in the delivery of operations and in the development of a long-term capital forecast. The study is being prepared with the assistance of Monteith Brown Planning Consultants and has been funded by a grant from the Province of Ontario. A completion deadline of September 30, 2020 has been established. |