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Outdoor Burning By-law Public Consultation
At the Council meeting on December 9, 2024, Township Council considered a report from staff that would update provisions related to Outdoor Burning in the Township of North Dumfries. The Township currently has an Outdoor Burning By-law that was las updated in 2008. Upon review of the old By-law, staff had determined that a full review of the By-law was due.
The proposed Outdoor Burning By-law includes a number of new provisions that can be summarized as follows:
- Merging amendments into one By-law;
- Updating references to the current legislation;
- Permitting all members of the Township Fire Department, Municipal Law Enforcement Officers, and Waterloo Regional Police the powers to enforce the By-law;
- Allowing the Fire Chief to have more discretion to place additional conditions on a permit;
- Adding a section that allows for permit fees.
Comments on the draft by-law are due by January 24, 2025. Review the proposed draft Outdoor Burning By-law.
Please email feedback or comments about proposed By-law to the Township Clerk or call 519-632-8800 ext. 122. All comments received will be considered in a follow up staff report for the Regular Council meeting scheduled on February 10, 2025.