The Township welcomes your application for a licence for a food truck or refreshment truck. Licences are available on an annual or daily basis. Please find application information listed below.
Application Process
At least seven (7) days prior to the proposed operating date, submit the following:
- Complete one of the following application forms:
- Region of Waterloo Public Health inspection form
- Township of North Dumfries Fire Department approval letter
- Payment of fee (see the "Fees & Payment" section below for more information).
Contact the Township Clerk for more information.
Documents to Submit with Application
Food Truck
- Waterloo Region Public Health certificate
- TSSA inspection certificate if a propane or gas fired system is used
- Fire inspection from Township Fire Department
- Liability insurance ($2 million)
- Letter of permission from property owner
- Copy of driver's licence(s)
- Description of the food being served and how it will be prepared
- Description of water containment and disposal of grey water and grease
- Pay fee: Township Fees and Charges page
Refreshment Truck – Class ‘A’
- Waterloo Region Public Health certificate
- Fire inspection from Township Fire Department
- Liability insurance ($2 million)
- Letter of permission from property owner
- Copy of driver's licence(s)
- Description of the food being served and how it will be prepared
- Pay fee: Township Fees and Charges page
Refreshment Truck – Class ‘B’
- Waterloo Region Public Health certificate
- Liability insurance ($1 million)
- Letter of permission from property owner
- Description of the food being served and how it will be prepared
- Pay fee: Township Fees and Charges page
Mobile Food Vendor Classes
The Mobile Food Vendor By-law 3305-22 identifies three (3) distinct licensing classes:
Food Truck
A Food Truck is a motorized vehicle (stationary or mobile) in which food products are prepared or cooked on site and are sold or offered for sale. Schedule "B" of the Mobile Food Vendor By-law 3305-22 outlines provisions such as:
- can operate in a commercially-zoned area, in some Township parks (subject to approval from the Director of Leisure and Community Services), at special events, and on private property (subject to approval from the property owner)
- fees for annual or daily Food Truck licences are found on the Fees and Charges page
- shall not use any loudspeakers, amplifiers, hailing devices, or music players that may contravene the Township Noise By-law
- shall not operate within 100 m from a restaurant establishment
Refreshment Truck Class 'A'
Refreshment Truck Class 'A' is a stationary or mobile vehicle from which refreshments or pre-packages foods are sold (food is not prepared or cooked on site). Schedule "C" of the Mobile Food Vendor By-law 3305-22 outlines provisions such as:
- can operate on commercially-zoned property, in some Township Parks (subject to approval from the Director of Leisure and Community Services), at special events, and on private property (subject to approval from the property owner)
- also permitted to operate on a highway or street during Special Events only and is subject to approval from the Township beforehand
- fees for annual or daily Refreshment Truck Class 'A' licences are found on the Fees and Charges page
- shall not use any loudspeakers, amplifiers, hailing devices, or music players that may contravene the Township Noise By-law
- shall not operate within 100 m from a restaurant establishment
Refreshment Truck Class 'B'
Refreshment Truck Class 'B' is propelled by muscular power, that offers for sale pre-packaged foods, pre-bottled beverages, or pre-packaged ice confectioneries for human consumption. Schedule "D" of the Mobile Food Vendor By-law 3305-22 outlines provisions such as:
- can operate in a commercially or residentially-zoned property, on highways in residential zones, on private property (subject to owner approval) and during special events
- fees for annual or daily Refreshment Truck Class 'B' licences are found on the Fees and Charges page
- cannot stop longer than 15 minutes at any serving location
- not stop with the intent to sell pre-packaged foods, pre-bottled beverages, or pre-packaged ice confectioneries for human consumption within a minimum distance of 100 metres from any lot on which a Food Shop is located except during a Special Event
Fees & Payment
Fees for annual or daily licences are found on the Fees and Charges page.
Payment for a Mobile Food Vendor licence can be made one of the following ways:
In Person
Come by the Township Office located at 106 Earl Thompson Road, 3rd Floor, Ayr and pay for your licence by cheque, cash, or debit. |
Pay by e-transfer to payments@northdumfries.ca.
In a separate email, include the following information email:
- Name of payee
- Address of payee
- Phone number of payee
- Payment amount
- Invoice number
- Reason for payment
Mail your payment by cheque to:
The Township of North Dumfries
106 Earl Thompson Road, 3rd Floor
Ayr, ON N0B 1E0
Drop Box
The North Dumfries Community Complex at 2958 Greenfield Road has an After-hours drop box located at the main entrance. Please drop off your payment by cheque, enclosed in an envelope. No cash please! |