Contact Us
Contact the Township if you have any questions or need assistance completing any application, form, licence, or permit.
Bench and Tree Donation Program |
The Bench and Tree Donation Program is designed to increase public enjoyment and participation in the Municipality's parks (includes all parks, spaces, and trails). Benches and trees make great gifts to both your beneficiary and your favourite park. Best of all, your donation helps support parks and open spaces everywhere! People may donate new benches or trees provided space is available in the location desired. A donor recognition plaque will be installed on or near your donation. For further information on how to participate in this program, please view the Bench and Tree Donation Program Guidelines and Application. If you're interested in a memorial stone at Centennial Park please contact the North Dumfries Garden Club at |
Birth Certificate |
To obtain or replace a birth certificate, view the Service Ontario website or contact by email Service Ontario. |
Building Permit |
See our Building Permit page for more information. |
Burn Permit |
Complete an online burn permit application. |
Business Licence |
The Township of North Dumfries does not licence businesses. To register a business, see the Government of Ontario website for more information. |
By-law Formal Complaint |
To submit a formal complaint, please complete the By-law Formal Complaint Form. For additional information, refer to the By-law Enforcement page. |
Commissioner of Oaths |
View the Commissioner of Oaths page. |
Death Registration |
See the Government of Ontario website for answers to common questions about what to do when a loved one dies. |
Dog Licence |
All dogs in the Township of North Dumfries need to be licensed. Complete and submit a dog licence application form. Please refer to the Animal Control page for additional information. |
Fees |
For a full list of the current Fees and Charges, please see the Fees and Charges page. |
Filming Permit |
A filming permit is required if filming is occurring within the road allowance, or on Township property. Please refer to the Filming in North Dumfries page for additional information. |
Freedom of Information |
Contact the Clerk's division to request information kept by the Township. The Clerk will advise whether or not a Freedom of Information (FOI) Request is needed. Complete and submit the form and a mandatory $5.00 fee to the Clerk. Please refer to the Freedom of Information page for additonal information. |
Heritage Building Permit Designation and Alteration Application |
Please refer to the Heritage Properties, Regulations, Permits pages for more information. |
Kennel Licence |
Under the Township Dog By-law 3160-20, a kennel is a place where dogs are housed, groomed, boarded, bred, trained, sold, or kept and shall include a doggie daycare. A kennel licence application must include a detailed site plan and fee. For more information, view our Animal Control page. |
Liquor Licence |
Please refer to the Liquor Licence page for more information. |
Lottery Licence |
The Township of North Dumfries requires a minimum of 10 business days to process all applications for lottery events. Please refer to the Lottery Licence page for more information. |
Marriage Licence |
The Township of North Dumfries does not issue marriage licences. |
Mobile Food Vending Licence |
Every applicant for a Mobile Food Vendors Licence shall complete an application online or in person at the Township Office, 2958 Greenfield Road, Ayr. Applications are submitted to the Township Clerk. Each Mobile Food Vendor must be in compliance with The Township of North Dumfries' Mobile Food Vendor By-law 3305-22. Please refer to the Mobile Food Vendor Licence page for more information |
Oversized Road Permits |
An oversize/overweight permit is required for any vehicles travelling on Township roads where the dimensions or weight exceed the limits permitted by legislation. No person shall drive a vehicle or combination of vehicles on a highway that is in excess of the dimensions and weight set out in the Highway Traffic Act without first having obtained a permit from the Region of Waterloo. Permits can be attained by filling out a Region of Waterloo application through their online process. |
Planning Applications |
Please refer to the Planning Application Forms page for more information. |
Pre-Authorized Payments |
The Township offers both monthly or due date pre-authorized payment plans to pay property taxes. Monthly plan enrollment takes place semi-annually, with deadlines on May 31st and November 15th. For further information and application forms, refer to the Taxes page. |
Public Works Permit |
Typically, a Public Works Permit is required for any work on, under or within municipal property, placed by someone other than the Township of North Dumfries. There are two main categories of work:
Utilities may use this permit to obtain a Municipal Consent and Right of Way Permit at the same time. You are not permitted to commence any work in our right-of-way until your approved permit has been issued. Application and FeesTo apply for a Public Works Permit, submit the completed Public Works Permit Application formalong with drawings and specifications showing the proposed location of the work in relation to municipal property. Be sure to include a Traffic Protection Plan, if necessary. A Certificate of Insurance from the contractor completing the work is also required, listing the Township of North Dumfries as additional insured. Application forms are to be submitted electronically with the required documents to The fee associated with obtaining a Public Works Permit is $225.00, plus a damage deposit. The deposit is refunded after work has been completed and the Municipality has verified no damage to the existing infrastructure has occurred. |
Salespersons, Hawkers, and Peddlers Application |
In accordance with By-Law No. 1374-92, no person shall go door-to-door to sell goods, wares, or merchandise without first having obtained a licence from the Township of North Dumfries. Please refer to the Salespersons, Hawkers, and Peddlers Application Form for more information. |
Septic System Inspection |
Major and minor changes or repairs to a septic system requires a building permit application to be completed, including the Schedule 2: Sewage System Installer information sheet. In addition, complete and submit a Septic System Inspection form. |
Sign Permit |
Signs are regulated under the Township's Sign By-Law and may require a permit. |
Site Alteration Permit |
The Township's Fill By-law 2612-14 and Site Alteration Amending By-law 3036-19 controls certain kinds of changes to a property. The bylaw ensures that earth, fill or topsoil isn't removed or added in a way that damages drainage, water quality or natural features. An exemption to the Township's permit process is if the property requires a permit from the Grand River Conservation Authority (GRCA). This can be verified by contacting the GRCA at 519-621-2761 or email To apply for a Site Alteration Permit, submit the completed form along with drawings and specifications to The Site Alteration fee is in accordance with the Township's 2025 Fees & Charges. |
Speak Before Council |
If you would like to register as a delegate to speak before Council, you must fill out and submit the Delegation Request Form. For more information, please refer to the Speak Before Council page. |
Tax Certificate |
A tax certificate is a certificate issued to the purchaser of property at a tax sale that certifies the sale and entitles the purchaser to a tax deed upon expiration of the period for right of redemption if all taxes and charges have been paid. For more information about how to complete a tax certificate request, view the Taxes page. For fee information, see the Township Fees and Charges page. |
Temporary Outdoor Patio Permit |
The Township is responsible for approving temporary outdoor patios. For more information on the process and to apply for a permit, see the Temporary Outdoor Patios page. |
Urban Hens |
For detailed information about the Urban Hens Pilot, please refer to the Urban Hens Pilot By-law page for more information. |