Contact Us
The Township of North Dumfries Municipal Law Enforcement Officers investigate formal complaints with respect to by-law violations, ensure compliance, lay charges where appropriate, and answer questions about by-laws and the by-law process. All formal complaints are confidential, but your name and contact information are required before any complaints are investigated.
By-law Enforcement aims to:
- Increase public awareness of Township by-laws.
- Educate residents with respect to the responsibilities and rights as property owners or tenants.
- Achieve compliance with Township by-laws.
Residents should keep in mind that there are unavoidable neighbourhood inconveniences that form part of community living and are encouraged to be reasonable and understanding during those times. However, no one should have to tolerate excessive and continued activities that disturb or negatively affect the enjoyment of our neighbourhoods.
When to Contact Police |
Contact the Waterloo Regional Police Services online reporting system to report the following:
Report any criminal activity directly to the Waterloo Regional Police Service, such as:
Filing a Formal Complaint |
File a formal complaint by submitting a By-law Formal Complaint Form online or in person. Township office hours are Monday to Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., however, our Municipal Law Enforcement Officers work rotating shifts that include evenings and weekends. What to expect when making a by-law complaint:
A formal complaint can be filed in the following manner:
By-law Enforcement Intake Policy |
Township Council revised the By-law Enforcement Intake Policy & Establishing Service Levels on February 22, 2021. This policy outlines the procedure for the handling of by-law complaints by the municipality and establishes the service levels for the by-law enforcement division. |
Being a Good Neighbour
Nuisance-related issues between neighbours represent the majority of by-law complaints filed with the Township. Be a good neighbour and recognize that the majority of our residents live in an urban (settlement area) where proximity to each other is very close and our actions do carry across property lines.
As part of being a good neighbour, check out the Township of North Dumfries Neighbourhood Bylaw Guide and consider the following:
Maintain a Clean Yard |
For more information, please refer to the following by-laws: |
Responsible Pet Ownership |
Dogs must be kept on a leash when they are walked. Poop and scoop dog waste and properly dispose of the collected feces. Monitor your domestic animals at all times when they are outside, and, curb excessive barking of your dog(s) when they are in your yard. See the Township Dog By-law for more information. If you encounter wildlife in distress or suspect rabies, please follow the procedures outlined on the animal control page. |
Littering |
Littering and illegal dumping on municipal highways, municipal properties, and on private property is prohibited. Keep our Township beautiful and report any littering or illegal dumping. Please pick up after yourself and do not throw litter out your vehicle window. |
Noise |
Certain activities that cause noise are not allowed at specific times of the day. Please view the Township's Noise By-law for the parameters. There are general noise rules effective at all times of the day for matters such as barking dogs, construction activity, and noise from sound-producing devices or instruments. Be aware of your activities; respect your neighbours and their ability to enjoy their properties. |
Parking |
Parking tickets are issued when a vehicle is parked or stopped in a zone where parking or stopping is prohibited. On the back of the parking ticket are options for payment or appeals.
Important Notices
Parking PermissionsIn accordance with the Township's Traffic & Parking By-law Part V section 3A, extended parking on roadways is permitted for the events listed below. Contact the Township's By-law Enforcement division at 519-632-8800 to request a permit a minimum of five (5) days before the event.
Fences, Pools, Decks, Driveways, Accessory Buildings and Property Regrading |
Before undertaking a construction project to build or construct any of the items listed above, please contact the Township's Building Division at 519-632-8800 ext. 124 to understand your responsibilities. In certain cases permits may be required under the authority of the Ontario Building Code, or, approvals to maintain compliance with regulations as set out in the Township's General Zoning By-law or other by-laws. |