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The Development Services Department administers and oversees key aspects of the land use and development approval process in the Township. The Department consists of three divisions: Planning, Building and Development Engineering.
The Planning Division is responsible for assisting Council with growth management, the Township's Official Plan and Zoning By-law and the administration of the Committee of Adjustment. The division provides professional services in the following areas: long range planning; current planning; urban design; population forecasts and demographic analysis; heritage resource protection; and, Corporate GIS services and mapping.
The Building Division is responsible for the administration of the Ontario Building Code Act and related Council approved Building By-laws. The division oversees the permit application review, approval and inspection processes associated with all building categories (small, large and complex); plumbing inspections; Part IV septic design approvals and inspections; and, building additions and renovations. Ancillary to these functions, the division also administers the issuance and approvals of both Ontario Building Code and non-Ontario Building Code requirements associated with permanent signs issued under the Township's Sign By-law, Property Standards By-law and Fence (Pool) Enclosures By law.
The Development Engineering Division is responsible for the review and approval of engineering designs and inspection of new infrastructure occurring in the Township through the development process up to and including the assumption of subdivisions. The Division is also responsible for administration of the Township's Site Alteration By-law.
See the 2024-2026 Business Plan for the Development Services Department
Development Services Department Contacts |
Shannon Black, Director of Development Services / Chief Building Official |
Planning Division Contacts |
Michael Campos, Manager of Planner |
Building Division Contacts |
Garret Cleghorn, Deputy Chief Building Official / Building Inspector |