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Listed below are commonly referenced municipal by-laws. Please contact the Township Office if you have any questions.
- Clean Yards (By-law No. 3472-24)
- Conveyance of Land / Cash-in-Lieu of Parkland (By-law No. 2765-16)
- Dog (Regulate dogs, dog licensing and dog kennels) (By-law No. 3160-20)
- Election Signs (By-law No. 2952-18)
- Exotic Animals (By-law No. 3281-21)
- Consolidated Fill/Site Alteration (By-law No. 2612-14)
- Fence (By-law No. 3522-24)
- Firearms (By-law No. 700-83)
- Fireworks and Firecrackers (By-law No. 3325-22)
- Fire Routes (By-law No. 3092-19)
- Mobile Food Vendors (By-law No. 3305-22)
- Noise (By-law No. 3421-23)
- Off-road Vehicles (By-law No. 3210-20)
- Open Air Burning By-law (By-law No. 2316-08)
- Parks (By-law No. 2985-18)
- Procedural By-law (By-law No. 3470-24)
- Property Standards (By-law No. 3471-24)
- Purchasing By-law (By-law No. 3265-21)
- Road Use By-law (By-law No. 3318-22)
- Sale and Disposition of Surplus Property (By-law No. 2726-15)
- Salespersons, Hawkers and Peddlers (By-law No. 1374-92)
- Sign By-law (By-law No. 2491-12)
- Site Plan Control By-law (By-law 2105-05)
- Consolidated Traffic and Parking
- Zoning By-law (By-law No. 689-83)