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The following list contains the current planning applications for the Township of North Dumfries. For information on current development applications, please contact the Planning Division at 519-632-8800.
2509 Cedar Creek Road (OP-01/24 & ZC-02/24) |
The subject property is located on the south side of Cedar Creek Road, east of Earl Thompson Road and west of the Credit Valley Railway. The property is approximately 18 hectares in size and is rectangular in shape, with an approximate frontage of 220 metres along Cedar Creek Road.
The property is currently developed with an existing farmhouse and an ancillary farm building in the northwestern portion of the site. The applicant is proposing to subdivide the subject property through a Vacant Land Condominium application to create seven (7) industrial lots and one (1) stormwater management block. The applicant intends to use one single lot for a Transport Enterprise and/or Transportation Operation, with the remaining six lots to be used for other industrial related uses. Each proposed lot is approximately two hectares in size. One common element road (proposed Street ‘A’) will provide access from Cedar Creek Road to the proposed lots with the proposed street ending in a bulb. In order to facilitate the proposed subdivision of the land, the applicant is required to amend both the Township Official Plan and the Township’s General Zoning By-law No. 689-83. The proposed Official Plan Amendment is being requested to amend Special Policy Area (d) applicable to the subject property, which requires that the regulations of General Zoning By-law No. 689-83 prohibit any future severances of the property, which would reduce the size of the parcel. An amendment to the Special Policy is requested, which seeks to permit the subdivision of the parcel for the purpose of creating seven (7) industrial lots and a one (1) stormwater management block. The proposed Zoning By-law Amendment application seeks to amend the current site-specific exemption (20.1.200) to permit a reduced minimum lot area and lot frontage. Presently, the site-specific exemption requires that a minimum lot area of 18 hectares and a minimum lot frontage of 220 metres be complied with. The applicant is seeking to establish minimum lot areas of 1.9 hectares and a minimum lot frontage of 89 metres. Additionally, the applicant is seeking to rezone the existing areas of the property that are zoned Z.12 – Open Space to the Z.11 – Industrial zone classification. A hybrid public Meeting will be held on Tuesday, September 24th, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. Interested members of the Public have the option of either attending the Meeting in-person or alternatively to connect to the meeting through a virtual electronic platform. Please contact the Township Municipal Office for information on how to register and participate in the meeting. Any person may provide written comments on the proposal, attend the meeting, and/or may make verbal representation at the time of the meeting. The purpose of the meeting is to present background information and to receive feedback on the proposal, which will inform the Committee’s Decision on the application. Any person may provide written comments on the proposal, attend the meeting, and/or may make verbal representation at the time of the meeting. For more information about this matter, including information about your appeal rights, please contact Michael Campos at (519) 632-8800 ext. 132 or by email at A planning report completed by Township Staff will be available on the Township website prior to the Public Meeting. |
43 Sylvan Drive (A-09/24) |
The subject property is located west of the intersection of West River Road and Sylvan Drive, in the Riverview Settlement Area.
Minor Variance Application (File No. A-09/24) seeks relief from the General Zoning By-law No. 689-83 to facilitate the construction of a single storey addition on the west side of the dwelling located at 43 Sylvan Drive. The property is zoned Z.3 – Rural Residential by General Zoning By-law 689-83. The following minor variances are being requested by the Owner from General Zoning By-law No. 689-83:
A hybrid public Meeting will be held on Monday August 12th, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. Interested members of the Public have the option of either attending the Meeting in-person or alternatively to connect to the meeting through a virtual electronic platform. Please contact the Township Municipal Office for information on how to register and participate in the meeting. Any person may provide written comments on the proposal, attend the meeting, and/or may make verbal representation at the time of the meeting. The purpose of the meeting is to present background information and to receive feedback on the proposal, which will inform the Committee’s Decision on the application. Any person may provide written comments on the proposal, attend the meeting, and/or may make verbal representation at the time of the meeting. For more information about this matter, including information about your appeal rights, please contact Christina Blazinovic (519) 632-8800 ext. 131. or A planning report completed by Township Staff will be available on the Township website prior to the Public Meeting. |
3184 Alps Road (A-08/24) |
The subject property is located at the northeast of the intersection of Northumberland Street and Alps Road Minor Variance Application (File No. A-08/24) seeks relief from the General Zoning By-law No. 689-83 to construct an addition to an existing industrial building for the purpose of adding additional capacity to accommodate the current operations. The property is zoned Z.9 – Industrial by General Zoning By-law No. 689-83. The following minor variances are being requested by the Owner from General Zoning By-law No. 689-83:
A hybrid public Meeting will be held on Monday August 12th, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. Interested members of the Public have the option of either attending the Meeting in-person or alternatively to connect to the meeting through a virtual electronic platform. Please contact the Township Municipal Office for information on how to register and participate in the meeting. Any person may provide written comments on the proposal, attend the meeting, and/or may make verbal representation at the time of the meeting. The purpose of the meeting is to present background information and to receive feedback on the proposal, which will inform the Committee’s Decision on the application. Any person may provide written comments on the proposal, attend the meeting, and/or may make verbal representation at the time of the meeting. For more information about this matter, including information about your appeal rights, please contact Christina Blazinovic (519) 632-8800 ext. 131. or A planning report completed by Township Staff will be available on the Township website prior to the Public Meeting. |
43 William St (B-05/24, A-06/24 & A-07/24) |
The subject property is located in the southwest corner of the intersection of William Street and Water Street in Urban Ayr.
The subject property is approximately 0.14 hectares in area with a corresponding lot frontage of approximately 35 metres onto William Street. The property also provides an exterior yard frontage of approximately 40 metres onto Water Street. The property is developed with an existing single-detached dwelling on municipal services. Consent Application (File No. B-05/24) proposes to sever the subject property (43 William Street) to create one new residential lot for the development of a future single-detached dwelling. The severed lot is proposed to have a lot frontage of 14 metres onto Water Street and a total lot depth of 35.31 metres. The proposed lot area of the severed lot is 494.34 square metres. The area that is to become the severed lot is presently vacant. The retained lot (43 William Street) will have a lot frontage of 26.45 metres onto Water Street, with a corresponding lot depth of 35.31 metres. The proposed total lot area of the retained lot is 933.94 square metres. The property is currently developed with a 1.5 storey single-detached dwelling and an attached garage. The Applicant has simultaneously applied for two Minor Variance Applications (File Nos. A-06/24 and A-07/24) to seek relief from the front yard setback of the retained lot and the minimum lot frontage and lot area of the severed lot. The following minor variance is being requested for the retained lot (File No. A-06/24) from General Zoning By-law 689-83 as set out below:
The following minor variance is being requested for the proposed severed lot (File No. A-07/24) from General Zoning By-law 689-83 as set out below:
A hybrid public Meeting will be held on Monday, August 12th, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. Interested members of the Public have the option of either attending the Meeting in-person or alternatively to connect to the meeting through a virtual electronic platform. Please contact the Township Municipal Office for information on how to register and participate in the meeting. Any person may provide written comments on the proposal, attend the meeting, and/or may make verbal representation at the time of the meeting. The purpose of the meeting is to present background information and to receive feedback on the proposal, which will inform the Committee’s Decision on the application. Any person may provide written comments on the proposal, attend the meeting, and/or may make verbal representation at the time of the meeting. For more information about this matter, including information about your appeal rights, please contact Michael Campos at (519) 632-8800 ext. 132 or by email at A planning report completed by Township Staff will be available on the Township website prior to the Public Meeting. |
1392 Wrigley Road – Consent Applications (B02/24, B03/24, B04/24) – Lot Additions |
Three Planning Act Applications (Consent – Lot Additions) have been submitted to the Township of North Dumfries. The subject property is located on the north side of Wrigley Road, between Reidsville Road and Dumfries Road in the Wrigley Settlement Area. The subject property is approximately 14.2 hectares (35.08 acres) in size with a corresponding lot frontage of approximately 42.7 m split into two portions (30 m and 12.7 m) which straddle the property located at 1402 Wrigley Road.
The purpose of the proposed consent applications (B-02/24, B-03/24 & B-04/24) is to convey portions of land from the subject property (1392 Wrigley Road) as lot additions to three neighbouring parcels of land municipally addressed as 1402, 1412, and 1420 Wrigley Road. No new lots are proposed to be created through these consent applications. Consent Application (File No. B-02/24) proposes to convey 3800 square metres (0.38 hectares) of land from 1392 Wrigley Road, as shown on the concept sketch, as a lot addition to the property at 1402 Wrigley Road. Consent Application (File No. B-03/24) proposes to convey 1900 square metres (0.19 hectares) of land from 1392 Wrigley Road, as shown on the concept sketch, as a lot addition to the property at 1412 Wrigley Road. Consent Application (File No. B-04/24) proposes to convey 1900 square metres (0.19 hectares) of land from 1392 Wrigley Road, as shown on the concept sketch, as a lot addition to the property at 1420 Wrigley Road. Should the proposed consent applications be approved, the retained lot would have a remaining lot area of 13.44 hectares. Should the ongoing consent application (B-07/21) be approved to create an additional lot, the final lot area of the retained lot would equate to 13.04 hectares. The subject property consists of split zoning, including zones Z.3 – Rural Residential along the frontage of the property and within the identified Settlement Area boundary, and Z.1 – Agriculture at the rear of the property where the existing dwelling is situated. The receiving lots are all zoned Z.3 – Rural Residential in their entirety. Should the proposed consent applications be approved, the lands to be conveyed and added to the receiving lots would continue to be zoned Z.1 – Agriculture. Further discussions regarding potential zoning restrictions are being assessed by Planning Staff and will be discussed further in a future recommendation report to the Committee. A Public Meeting will be held on Tuesday, June 18th, 2024 at 6:00 p.m to provide members of the Community with an opportunity to review and provide comment on the applications. Please contact the Township Municipal Office for information on how to register and participate in the meeting. The purpose of the meeting is to present background information and to receive feedback on the proposal. Any person may provide written comments on the proposal, attend the meeting, and/or may make verbal representation at the time of the meeting. For more information about this matter, including information about your appeal rights, please contact Michael Campos (519) 632-8800 ext. 132. or A planning report completed by Township Staff will be available on the Township website prior to the Public Meeting. |
Materials Recovery Pre-Conditioning Facility off of Dumfries Rd - Zoning By-law Amendment Application (ZC-01/24) |
The purpose of the Zoning By-law Amendment application (File ZC-01/24) is to amend the site-specific exemption for the property to facilitate the establishment of a Materials Recovery Pre-Conditioning Facility (MRPF). This facility is intended to receive non-hazardous recyclables (primarily blue box recyclables), including various plastics, metals, and paper/fibres and separates them/sorts them into similar products. Once sorted, products are then bulked or baled and shipped to secondary processing facilities or to end markets. The facility will not receive waste tires or hazardous materials, and the sorting process will not include any chemical treatment or pelletizing/shredding of plastics. The proposed facility will also include an accessory educational centre and offices for Waste Management. The proposed MRPF will have a total floor area of approximately 13,171 square metes (141,700 square feet). Presently, the subject property is primarily vacant, apart from some outdoor storage. A hybrid Statutory Public Meeting is tentatively scheduled for Tuesday, February 27th, 2024 at 7:00pm. Interested members of the Public have the option of either attending the meeting in-person or alternatively to connect to the meeting through a virtual electronic platform. Please contact the Township Municipal Office for information on how to register and participate in the meeting. Any person may provide written comments on the proposal, attend the meeting, and/or make verbal representation at the time of the meeting. The purpose of the meeting is to present background information and to receive feedback on the proposed development, which will inform Council’s decision on the application. Any person may provide written comments on the proposal, attend the meeting, and/or make verbal representation at the time of the meeting. For more information about this matter, including information about appeal rights, please contact A planning report completed by Township Staff will be available on the Township website prior to the public meeting. The applicant has provided the following submission materials for review:
1056 Whistle Bare Rd - Telecommunication Tower Application (TC-02/23) |
The Township of North Dumfries received a Telecommunication Tower Application (File No. TC-02/23) for the property municipally addressed as 1056 Whistle Bare Road. The subject property is located north of the intersection of Whistle Bare Road and Roseville Road. The applicant is proposing to erect a Lattice Tri-Pole communications tower that is 50 metres in height. A fenced-in compound is also proposed and would occupy a ground compound area of approximately 144 square metres. The Tower is intended to provide wireless voice and data services for subscribers. The proposed tower has been designed at a height of 50 metres, due to the large coverage and capacity hole currently in the network for this area of the Township. The proposed height is required to provide optimal coverage to the area. A Neighbourhood Consultation meeting will be scheduled in March 2024. Notice will be provided to those in proximity to the subject lands, but any one is able to attend this meeting. Once a final date is selected, this information will be updated. A Statutory Public Meeting will also be held on March 26th, 2024 at 7:00 p.m. at the North Dumfries Community Complex in the Dumfries Room, where the applicant will be presenting the merits of the communication tower proposal. The purpose of these meetings is to receive feedback on the proposal. Any person may provide written comments on the proposal, attend the meetings, and/or may make verbal representation at the time of the meeting. A Planning Report completed by the Township Staff will be available on the Township website prior to the Statutory Public Meeting. For more information on this matter, please contact
1820-1850 Whistle Bare Rd - Consent and Minor Variance Applications (A-15/23, A-16/23, B-06/23 & B-07/23) |
The subject property is located at the northwest corner of Dickie Settlement Road and Whistle Bare Road, known as the Whistle Bear Golf Club The subject property is approximately 92.3 ha (228 acres) in size with a corresponding lot frontage of 569 m (1866 ft) on Whistle Bare Road and approximately 950 m (3116 ft) on Dickie Settlement Road. A hybrid public Meeting will be held on Monday, January 29th, 2024, at 7:00 p.m. Interested members of the Public have the option of either attending the Meeting in-person or alternatively to connect to the meeting through a virtual electronic platform. Please contact the Township Municipal Office for information on how to register and participate in the meeting. Any person may provide written comments on the proposal, attend the meeting, and/or may make verbal representation at the time of the meeting. The purpose of the meeting is to present background information and to receive feedback on the proposal, which will inform the Committee’s Decision on the application. Any person may provide written comments on the proposal, attend the meeting, and/or may make verbal representation at the time of the meeting. For more information about this matter, including information about your appeal rights, please contact Christina Blazinovic (519) 632-8800 ext. 131. or A planning report completed by Township Staff will be available on the Township website prior to the Public Meeting. |
33 Northumberland St (A-02-24) |
The subject property is located on the eastern side of Northumberland Street, south of Gibson Street and north of Stanley Street. Minor Variance Application (File No. A-02/24) seeks relief from the General Zoning By-law No. 689-83 to permit a reduced parking rate for a restaurant use and to permit parking spaces to be located in front of the established building line. The property is zoned Z.6 – Urban Commercial by General Zoning By-law No. 689-83. The following minor variances are being requested by the Owner from General Zoning By-law No. 689-83:
A hybrid public Meeting will be held on Tuesday May 28th, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. Interested members of the Public have the option of either attending the Meeting in-person or alternatively to connect to the meeting through a virtual electronic platform. Please contact the Township Municipal Office for information on how to register and participate in the meeting. Any person may provide written comments on the proposal, attend the meeting, and/or may make verbal representation at the time of the meeting. The purpose of the meeting is to present background information and to receive feedback on the proposal, which will inform the Committee’s Decision on the application. Any person may provide written comments on the proposal, attend the meeting, and/or may make verbal representation at the time of the meeting. For more information about this matter, including information about your appeal rights, please contact Christina Blazinovic (519) 632-8800 ext. 131. or A planning report completed by Township Staff will be available on the Township website prior to the Public Meeting. |
1392 Wrigley Rd - Consent Application (B-07/21) & Minor Variance Application (A-12/21) |
Two Planning Act applications have been submitted to the Township of North Dumfries. The subject property is located on the north side of Wrigley Road, between Reidsville Road and Dumfries Road in the Wrigley Settlement Area. The subject property is approximately 14.2 hectares (35.08 acres) in size with a corresponding lot frontage of approximately 42.7 m split into two portions (30 m and 12.7 m) which straddle the property located at 1402 Wrigley Road. Consent Application (File No. B-07/21) proposes to sever the subject property creating one new residential building lot and retained lot where the existing residence would be situated. The applicant is submitting a revised lot configuration that will see the proposed lot extend past the Urban Settlement boundary, being identical to the existing abutting lot at 1382 Wrigley Road. The proposed severance would create a new lot with approximately 30 m (98.4 ft) of frontage on Wrigley Road with a corresponding lot area of 1 acre (0.4 ha). The severed lot, if approved, would establish a future residential building lot. Development would be on the basis of private well / septic systems. A new residential driveway onto Wrigley Road would be required for the severed lot. The retained lot would have a frontage of approximately 12.6 m (41.3 ft) on Wrigley Road with a corresponding lot area of 13.8 hectares (34.1 acres). The existing detached dwelling and associated ancillary buildings will remain on the retained lot. The existing driveway, located between 1412 and 1402 Wrigley Road has been closed, and a new driveway along the east side of the property has been constructed to access the proposed retained lot. The Applicant has simultaneously applied for a Minor Variance Application (File No. A-12/21) to accommodate the reduced lot width of the retained parcel. The subject property consists of split zoning, including zones Z.3 – Rural Residential along the frontage of the property and Z.1 – Agriculture at the rear of the property where the existing dwelling is situated. The proposed severed lot is situated within the settlement boundaries of the Community of Wrigley and within the Z.3 Zone area. The following minor variance is being requested by the Owner from General Zoning By-law 689-83 as set out below:
A second Public Meeting will be held on Tuesday, May 28th, 2024 at 6:00 p.m to review the revised proposal. Please contact the Township Municipal Office for information on how to register and participate in the meeting. The purpose of the meeting is to present background information and to receive feedback on the proposal. Any person may provide written comments on the proposal, attend the meeting, and/or may make verbal representation at the time of the meeting. For more information about this matter, including information about your appeal rights, please contact Michael Campos (519) 632-8800 ext. 132. or A planning report completed by Township Staff will be available on the Township website prior to the Public Meeting. |
Mitchell St - Zoning Bylaw Amendment Application and Draft Plan of Condominium (ZC-02/23, 30CDM-23301) |
An application (File No. ZC-02/23) has been made to the Township of North Dumfries for an amendment to General Zoning By-law No. 689-83 and an application (File No. 30CDM-23301) has been made to the Region of Waterloo for a draft plan of condominium for the lands legally described as BLK 66 PL 1445. The proposed plan of condominium is comprised of four (4) single detached dwellings (one of which may be utilized as a temporary guest house) and common elements to support the proposed plan of condominium in terms of an internal road and a community area. The development will be serviced by municipal water and sanitary sewer. The proposed zone change is designed to implement the plan of condominium. The proposed zone change seeks an amendment to establish site-specific provisions. A hybrid format public meeting to consider the proposed zone amendment and draft plan of condominium will be held in-person in the Dumfries room, North Dumfries Community Complex, 2958 Greenfield Road, Ayr, or alternatively through remote audio / visual connection on Monday, August 14, 2023, at 7:00 pm. For more information about this matter, including information about appeal rights, please contact The Applicant has submitted the following technical Reports in support of the proposed development: |
Edworthy West Pit - Zoning By-Law Amendment Application (ZC-01/23) |
The subject lands comprise three separately held parcels – 1262 Greenfield Road, unaddressed Parcel legally known as CON 9 PT LOT 17 and 1354 Spragues Road – with the area for the aggregate operations being sited on the northern portion of 1262 Greenfield Road, the entirety of the unaddressed parcel and the eastern portion of 1354 Spragues Road. Cambridge Aggregates Inc. has entered into lease and extraction agreements with these individual property owners. The rezoning would apply to the operations site only, with the balance of the lands at 1262 Greenfield and 1354 Spragues Roads outside the operational boundaries remaining in the ‘Agricultural (Z.1) Zone’. The operations site is approximately 44.3 ha (109.47 ac) in size and the extraction area is proposed to be approximately 35.2 ha (86.98 ac).
The subject lands are located within the lower portion of the apex of Alps, Shouldice Side and Spragues Roads, approximately 1.5km south of the existing Cambridge Aggregates Main Pit. The upper north-west portion of the lands are located within 2 km (less than 1 mile) of the City of Cambridge.
Both 1262 Greenfield and 1354 Spragues Roads are each developed with a single detached dwelling and accessory buildings and are currently being farmed. Both dwellings are situated outside the operations site and will be retained on the properties during and after the extraction operation. 1262 Greenfield Road is included on the Townships listed heritage properties and is not designated. The unaddressed Parcel is a vacant farm parcel.
Access and Operations
Two new truck entrances along Spragues Road are proposed, one southern entrance located at the new Edworthy West Pit and a northern entrance at the southern portion of the Main Pit (between Alps and Spragues Roads). Region of Waterloo entrance permits will be required for these new truck entrances.
The Edworthy West Pit is proposed as Class ‘A’ Licence operation and will serve as an extension to the existing Cambridge Aggregate Main Pit located at the northwest corner of Alps and Spragues Roads.
It will operate as a “load and haul pit’, which means that there will be no processing of materials on site, but that the aggregate materials extracted from the pit will be transferred via tri-axle highway trucks to the Cambridge Aggregate Main Pit. Material will then be processed, stockpiled, blended and shipped from the Main Pit via the existing haul route along Cedar Creek Road.
No increase in annual production levels is proposed at the central processing plant in the Main Pit as the Edworthy West Pit will serve as the next phase of extraction at the Main Pit. In addition, there will be no increase in production and truck traffic between the existing Main Pit and the proposed Edworthy West Pit.
The proposed annual tonnage limit is 1,000,000 tonnes with a total estimate resource volume of 11,000,000 million tonnes. The life span of the pit is expected to be 10-12 years.
Implementation. The ARA Licence Application is being pursued concurrently with the Zoning By-Law Amendment Application.
Once resources are extracted, rehabilitation will be undertaken leaving the final land use predominately agricultural condition, with approximately two (2) hectares of ecological enhancements (ecological linkages and buffers) proposed in ecologically strategic areas of the site. Post extraction Phase 3 activities, an additional 2-3 years will be required to complete final rehabilitation.
The total extent of the extraction area that will be returned to an agricultural condition will be 23.4 ha (57.82 ac).
For more information about this matter, including information about your appeal rights, please contact the Planning Department (519) 632-8800 or A planning report completed by Township Staff will be available on the Township website prior to the Public Meeting. The Applicant has submitted the following technical Reports in support of the proposed development:
Dance Pit Expansion - Zoning Bylaw Amendment Application (ZC-06/21) |
A Zoning By-law Amendment Application (File No: ZC-06/21) has been filed with the Township of North Dumfries. The subject property is located on the south of Cedar Creek Rd and west of the City of Cambridge boundary, municipally known as 1107 Cedar Creek, Township of North Dumfries. The Applicant (CBM Aggregates) proposes the expansion of their existing sand and gravel operation, with a proposed new licensed area of approximately 29 hectares, and extraction proposed on a portion (20.8 ha) of the subject lands. The subject property is currently Zoned as Zone Z.1 (Agriculture). The proposed Zone change is from Zone Z.1 (Agriculture) to Zone Z.14 (Mineral Aggregate). The site will operate as an expansion of the existing CBM Dance Pit. The proposed annual tonnage limit is 750,000 tonnes. Rehabilitation will be undertaken progressively, with the final land use plan implemented to restore all of the extracted areas to agricultural end use.
A public meeting will be held on Tuesday, June 28, 2022 at 7:00 p.m. Please note that because of the COVID-19 pandemic, this will be a hybrid Council Meeting. Interested members of the public have the option of either attending the meeting in person or alternatively connect to the meeting through a virtual electronic platform. The purpose of the Public Meeting is to provide an overview of the development proposal and solicit comments from interested members of the Public/stakeholders. Any person may provide written comments on the proposal, attend the meeting, and/or may make verbal representation at the time of the meeting. To participate directly in the Public Meeting, please REGISTER with the Clerk on or before 7:00 p.m. on Monday, June 27th, 2022. To register, please email or phone 519-632-8800 ext.122. When registering, you must provide your name, phone number, email address, and the application number you would like to comment on. Once you are registered, the Clerk will forward information on how to connect to the Zoom meeting (ie: Zoom meeting link or conference call number). If you are unsure whether or not you would like to speak at the Public Meeting but want to listen and have the option to comment on a particular application, please register with the Clerk. You will not be required to speak if you do not want to.
If you would like to comment on a particular application but are not available to attend the Public Meeting virtually, you can submit a letter by mail; deliver the letter to the Township Municipal Office (there is a drop box outside the main entry door); or, submit an email to Any correspondence submitted will be provided to Council and will form part of the public record.
For more information regarding the proposed Zoning By-law Amendment Application (ZC-06/21), please contact
The Applicant has submitted the following technical Reports in support of the proposed development: |
Westwood Village Phase 2 - Official Plan Amendment, Plan of Subdivisions & Zoning By-law Amendment |
The lands subject to the Official Plan Amendment, Subdivision, and Zoning By-law Amendment are located immediately adjacent to the Cambridge/North Dumfries Municipal Boundary situated to the north of the Blenheim Road/Roseville Road corridor, east of Cruickston Creek. The Lands are Situated in Part of Lots 13 & 14, Concession 11, and Part of the Road Allowance between Concessions 11 & 12, Township of North Dumfries.
The Official Plan Amendment Application (File No. OPA -01/21) recognizes that the subject land have been designated “Urban Area” in the Township’s Official Plan. The proposed Amendment addresses the requirements of Policy 2.1.4 (c) of the Plan, which among other matters, proposes a hierarchy of residential and other land use designations, urban design, policies, open spaces and environmental and servicing as well as transportation policies.
The general purpose of the proposed Official Plan Amendment is provide a land use planning framework to guide the detailed planning and development of the Westwood Village Phase 2 community that ensures the integration with the approved Phase 1 neighbourhood situated within the City of Cambridge located to the east, while respecting and protecting the Core Environmental Features associated with the adjacent Blair-Bechtel – Cruickston Environmental Sensitive Lands located to the north, west and south of the subject lands. The proposed Amendment considers the environmental framework of the Cambridge West Master Environmental Servicing Plan (MESP) and the planning that has previously occurred for the Westwood Village Phase 1development area.
The two Plans of Subdivision Applications (File Nos. 30T-21301 & 30T-213020) are designed to establish the proposed lot and road fabric of the two development properties. The development will occur on the basis of full municipal services. Subdivision File No. 30T-21301 (Brian Domm) contemplates the creation of various lots/blocks that would establish a total of between 119 to 152 dwelling units, which would include:
Subdivision File No. 30T-21302 (Hallman Construction Ltd.) contemplates the creation of various lots/blocks that would establish a total of between 311 to 504 dwelling units, which would include:
A park block and wildlife corridor block are also proposed. The internal road network connects with Newman Drive, the mid-block neighbourhood north/south collector located within the Westwood Phase 1 area with the City of Cambridge. Zoning By-law Amendment Application (File No. ZC-03/21) is proposed to implement the two Plan of subdivision proposals. The Zoning By-law Amendment will establish a hierarchy of residential zone classifications to recognize the various dwelling unit type, the open space corridors, and parkland blocks. The residential zone classifications will establish dwelling unit type, minimum lot frontage and land area requirements, building setback, building height, and similar regulatory requirements.
A public meeting will be held on Tuesday, May 17th, 2022 at 7:00 p.m. Please note that because of the COVID-19 pandemic, this will be a hybrid Council Meeting. Interested members of the Public have the option of either attending the Meeting in-person or alternatively connect to the meeting through a virtual electronic platform.
The purpose of the public meeting is to provide an overview of the development proposal and solicit comments from interested members of the Public/stakeholders. Any person may provide written comments on the proposal, attend the meeting, and/or may make verbal representation at the time of the meeting. To participate directly in the Public Meeting, please REGISTER with the Clerk on or before 7:00 p.m. on Monday, May 16, 2022. To register, please email or phone 519-632-8800 ext.122. When registering, you must provide your name, phone number, email address, and the application number you would like to comment on. Once you are registered, the Clerk will forward information on how to connect to the Zoom meeting (ie: Zoom meeting link or conference call number). If you are unsure whether or not you would like to speak at the Public Meeting but want to listen and have the option to comment on a particular application, please register with the Clerk. You will not be required to speak if you do not want to.
If you would like to comment on a particular application but are not available to attend the Public Meeting virtually, you can submit a letter by mail; deliver the letter to the Township Municipal Office (there is a drop box outside the main entry door); or, submit an email to Any correspondence submitted will be provided to Council and will form part of the public record.
For more information about this matter, including information about your appeal rights, please contact
A planning Report completed by Township Staff will be available on the Township website prior to the Public Meeting on May 17th, 2022.
In support of the proposed development, the Applicant submitted the following technical studies/drawings:
99 Stanley St - Consent Application (B-03/22) |
A Consent Application (File No: B-03/22) has been filed with the Township of North Dumfries. The Subject property is municipally addressed as 99 Stanley Street, Ayr. The purpose of the Consent Application (File No. B-03/22) is to sever the subject property into two lots to facilitate the pending redevelopment of the property. It is proposed that each building, comprised of the existing mixed use building and the proposed stacked townhouse building will be on separate lots. The proposed consent is technical in nature to provide separate services (sanitary, water, hydro) and property title to facilitate the proposed 24 unit stacked townhouse development. The proposed retained lot identified as Part-1 on the consent sketch which forms part of this Notice represents the existing three storey building that frames the intersection of Stanley and Swan Streets. The proposed retained lot will be comprised of the existing mixed-use building [law office and residential units on the upper floors], surface parking and an access driveway onto Stanley Street. The proposed severed lot identified as Part-2 on the consent sketch which forms part of this Notice represents the future building site of the proposed twenty-four (24) stacked townhouse dwelling unit building. The severed lot is proposed to be utilized for surface parking, an access driveway onto Swan Street, and, the future construction of the residential building. The servicing/utilities and access easements across both the proposed retained and severed lots will be dealt with through a blanket easement across both of the proposed properties. The necessary cross easements for maintenance, access, and drainage would be granted through the transfer to allow the overall site to operate as a single integrated parcel. A public Meeting will be held on Tuesday, April 26th, 2022 at 7:00 p.m. virtually. The purpose of the public meeting is Provide an overview of the development proposal and solicit comments from interested members of the Public/stakeholders. Any person may provide written comments on the proposal, attend the meeting, and/or may make verbal representation at the time of the meeting. To participate directly in the Public Meeting, please REGISTER with the Clerk on or before 7:00 p.m. on Monday, April 25th, 2022. To register, please email or phone 519-632-8800 ext.122. When registering, you must provide your name, phone number, email address, and the application number you would like to comment on. Once you are registered, the Clerk will forward information on how to connect to the Zoom meeting (ie: Zoom meeting link or conference call number). If you are unsure whether or not you would like to speak at the Public Meeting but want to listen and have the option to comment on a particular application, please register with the Clerk. You will not be required to speak if you do not want to. If you would like to comment on a particular application but are not available to attend the Public Meeting virtually, you can submit a letter by mail; deliver the letter to the Township Municipal Office (there is a drop box outside the main entry door); or, submit an email to Any correspondence submitted will be provided to Council and will form part of the public record. For more information about this matter, including information about your appeal rights, please contact A planning Report completed by Township Staff will be available on the Township website prior to the Public Meeting. |
2224 Cedar Creek Road – Rezoning and Subdivision (ZC-07/20 and 30T-21303) |
An Application [FILE NO. ZC-07/20] has been made to the Township of North Dumfries for an amendment to General Zoning By-Law No. 689-83, and an application [FILE NO. 30T-21303] has been made to the Region of Waterloo for a draft plan of subdivision. The Draft Plan of Subdivision is proposed to subdivide the 60.49 hectares (149.47 acres) of land into six (6) industrial lots. Each lot is proposed to be approximately 8.0 hectares (19.76 acres) in size, as shown on the proposed Subdivision Plan on the next page for reference. The proposed industrial lots will be accessed through two access road connections linking Dumfries Road to Cedar Creek Road via an internal road network. The development will be serviced by individual well & septic systems for each proposed lot. The proposed zone change is designed to implement the plan of subdivision for the industrial uses. The proposed zone change is from Zone Z.14 (Mineral Aggregate) to Zone Z.11 (Industrial) and Zone Z.12A (Environmental Protection 1-EP1) to protect and preserve the environmentally sensitive features located along the western portion of the subject lands. A Holding Symbol (-h) on the Z.11 Zone classification is proposed. A public Meeting will be held on Tuesday, September 28th, 2021 at 7:00 p.m. virtually. Please contact the Township Municipal Office for information on how to register and participate in the meeting. The purpose of the public meeting is Provide an overview of the development proposal and solicit comments from interested members of the Public/stakeholders. Any person may provide written comments on the proposal, attend the meeting, and/or may make verbal representation at the time of the meeting. For more information about this matter, including information about your appeal rights, please contact A planning Report completed by Township Staff will be available on the Township website prior to the Public Meeting. |
Residential Development - Ayr |
Summary of Residential Development in Ayr |
Whistle Bare Campground - 1898 Whistle Bare Road (ZC-06/20) |
Application (File No. ZC-06/20) has been made to the Township of North Dumfries for an Amendment to General Zoning By-law No. 689-83. The subject lands are consisting of 38.2 (94.4 acres) parcel land are located at 1898 Whistle Bare Road, Township of North Dumfries.
The site-specific zoning by-law amendment proposes to allow the expansion of the existing campground. The existing campground is consisting of 82 campsites, a swimming pool, and recreational amenities. The proposed development contemplates a total of 383 campsites, including 10 cabin sites and 26 overnight sites, new office/workshop, and the display and sale of trailers, and self-storage and outdoor trailer storage. The existing pond currently used for swimming is proposed to be enhanced with amenity improvements including a playground, pool, new recreational building, and basketball court as shown on the concept site plan. The two existing single detached dwellings are proposed to remain. The Site will be serviced by private well and septic system. A new wastewater treatment facility is proposed at the northeast corner of the Site, which will assist with the current wastewater servicing. A new well is also proposed.
The subject lands are currently zoned as Zone Z.1 (Agricultural) with two site-specific Exemptions (20.1.26 and 20.1.229) that permit a private picnic and campground recreational area and accessory buildings, and a trailer park. An expansion of the existing uses requires a site-specific amendment to the Zoning By-law and repeal the existing By-law Exemptions. The natural features and buffers are proposed to be zoned as zone Z.12b Environmental Protection 2. A public Meeting will be held on Tuesday, January 19th, 2021 at 7:00 p.m. virtually. Please contact the Township Municipal Office for information on how to register and participate in the meeting. The purpose of the meeting is to present background information and to receive feedback o the proposal. Any person may provide written comments on the proposal, attend the meeting, and/or may make verbal representation at the time of the meeting. For more information about this matter, including information about your appeal rights, please contact
Broos Phase 2 Subdivision |
A Zoning By-Law Amendment has been approved by the Township for the Subdivision. Please be advised that the Region of Waterloo is the approval authority for the Draft Plan of the Subdivision. At this time, no decision has been made. |
1940 Wrigley Road - Zoning Bylaw Amendment and Subdivision Application (ZC-01/20 and 30T-20301) |
The Township received applications for a zoning by-law amendment (File No. ZC-01/20) and subdivision (File No. 30T-20301) for 1940 Wrigley Road. Please be advised that the Region of Waterloo is the approval authority for the Draft Plan of the Subdivision. A Public Meeting (virtually) was held on Monday, August 10th, 2020 at 7:00 p.m. Staff presented Information Report to Council. The purpose of the Staff Information Report was to:
At this time, no decisions have been made for the proposed zoning by-law amendment (File No. ZC-01/20) and subdivision (File No. 30T-20301). Based on the comments received from the Government Agencies/Departments, members of the public, and other stakeholders, the Applicant was advised to submit the revised technical studies and plans to address the comments. A third submission relating to the Plan of Subdivision (30T-20301) and Zoning By-law Amendment (ZC-01-20) applications have been received and circulated as of January 11th, 2024. The updated submission documents are provided below: In the next steps, Staff will notify the interested members of the Public and Government Agencies for future Council meetings and present the Recommendation Report to the Council on the disposition of this matter. For more information about this matter, including information about appeal rights, please contact Third Submission:
Second Submission:
First Submission:
1662 Alps Road - Zoning Bylaw Application (ZC-03/20) |
Application (File No. ZC-03/20) has been made to the Township of North Dumfries for an Amendment to General Zoning By-law No. 689-83. The proposed zone change application facilitates the establishment of an aggregate pit. The property is 40.4 hectares (99.83 acres) in size, located on Part Lot 21, Concession 10, on the north side of Alps Road and is municipally known as 1662 Alps Road, Township of North Dumfries.
The proposed zone change is from Zone “Z.1 Agriculture exception 20.1.320” to Zone Z.14 “Mineral Aggregate Extraction.” Zone Z.12b (Environmental Protection 2) recognize the existing environmental features on the site and will remain as Zone Z.12b. The land proposed to be licensed under the Aggregate Resources Act is 40.4 hectares (99.83 acres) and the proposed extraction area will be 30.6 hectares (76.61 acres).
A Public Meeting will be held on Tuesday, October 27, 2020 at 7:00 p.m. virtually. Please contact the Township Municipal Office for information on how to register and participate in the meeting. The purpose of the meeting is to present background information and to receive feedback on the proposal. Any person may provide written comments on the proposal, attend the meeting, and/or may make verbal representation at the time of the meeting.
For more information about this matter, including information about your appeal rights, please contact A Planning Report completed by Township Staff will be available on the Township website prior to the Public Meeting.